Providing fresh, organic produce for our community to promote nutritious, local food choices.

Aerial Footage of our Northern Fields
Check out some great footage of our northern fields and greenhouses. We will do another video soon showing how everything has grown and changed over time.

Aerial View of our Southern Fields
Check out some great footage of our southern fields and spring house. We will do another video soon showing how everything has grown and changed time.

Pick Up at Our Farm
We love seeing you every week! Our weekly CSA selection and pick up is on Thursdays from 12pm – 7pm. Running behind? Let us know by giving us a call! (717) 495-4087

York County Potatoes
The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the nightshade family. We grow 4-6 different varieties each year, including Kennebecs, two types of fingerlings, a round, red potato and when available, purple potatoes.